
Ethics by Benedict de Spinoza PROP I----IV

by Benedict de Spinoza (1677)

Translated from the Latin by R.H.M. Elwes (1883)
MTSU Philosophy WebWorks Hypertext Edition © 1997



Table of Contents



Prop. I. Substance is by nature prior to its modifications.
命題1. 個體自然本性的形成,先於它「變貌」的形成。

Prop. II. Two substances, whose attributes are different, have nothing in common.
命題2. 两個不同屬性的個體,它們沒有共通點。

Prop. III. Things, which have nothing in common, cannot be one the cause of the other.
命題3. 沒有共通點的東西不來自同一個「因」。

Prop. IV. Two or more distinct things are distinguished one from the other either by the difference of the attributes of the substance, or by the differences of their modifications.

Prop. V. There cannot exist in the universe two or more substances having the same nature or attribute.

Prop. VI. One substance cannot be produced by another substance.

Prop. VII. Existence belongs to the nature of substance.
Prop. VIII. Every substance is necessarily infinite.

Prop. IX. The more reality or being a thing has, the greater the number of its attributes.
命題9.現實或事物越多, 其屬性就越多。(定義4.[屬性,我的意思是智能的感知,構成個體本質的傾向。])
Prop. X. Each particular attribute of the one substance must be conceived through itself.
命題10. 每個個體的屬性必定是由個體自己來決定。

Prop. XI. God, or substance consisting of infinite attributes, of which each expresses eternal and infinite essentiality, necessarily exists.

Prop. XII. No attribute of substance can be conceived, from which it would follow that substance can be divided.
命題12. 個體的屬性不能夠與個體分離。

Prop. XIII. Substance absolutely infinite is indivisible.

Prop. XIV. Besides God no substance can be granted or conceived.

Prop. XV. Whatsoever is, is in God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived.

Prop. XVI. From the necessity of the divine nature must follow an infinite number of things in infinite ways--that is, all things which fall within the sphere of infinite intellect.

Prop. XVII. God acts solely by the laws of his own nature and is not constrained by anyone.

Prop. XVIII. God is the indwelling and not the transient cause of all things.

Prop. XIX. God and all the attributes of God are eternal.

Prop. XX. The existence of God and his essence are one and the same.

Prop. XXI. All things, which follow from the absolute nature of any attribute of God, must always exist and be infinite, or, in other words, are eternal and infinite through the said attribute.

Prop. XXII. Whatever follows from any attribute of God, in so far as it is modified by a modification, which exists necessarily and as infinite through the said attribute, must also exist necessarily and as infinite.

Prop. XXIII. Every mode, which exists both necessarily and as infinite, must necessarily follow either from the absolute nature of some attribute of God, or from an attribute modified by a modification, which exists necessarily and as infinite.

Prop. XXIV. The essence of things produced by God does not involve existence.

Prop. XXV. God is the efficient cause not only of the existence of things, but also of their essence.

Prop. XXVI. A thing, which is conditioned to act in a particular manner, has necessarily been thus conditioned by God; and that which has not been conditioned by God cannot condition itself to act.
命題26. 一件物體,以特定的方式演現,是由神所決定的;如若不是由神所決定,它自己不能夠決定。

Prop. XXVII. A thing, which has been conditioned by God to act in a particular way, cannot render itself unconditioned.

Prop. XXVIII. Every individual thing, or everything which is finite and has a conditioned existence, cannot exist or be conditioned to act, unless it be conditioned for existence and action by a cause other than itself, which also is finite and has a conditioned existence; and likewise this cause cannot in its turn exist or be conditioned to act, unless it be conditioned for existence and action by another cause, which also is finite and has a conditioned existence, and so on to infinity.
命題28. 每個個別物體,或每個凡是有限的和被安排存在的物體(缺乏發展性的物體),除非它被安排存在和演現是由於一個超越它自己的「因」,否則它不能存在或被安排演現(因為沒有它存在和演現的理由),因為它依然是一個有限的和被安排存在的物體(依然是一個缺乏發展性的物體);同樣地,這個「因」也不能夠存在或被安排演現,除非它被安排存在和演現是由於另一個「因」,如此一直推測下去。

Prop. XXIX. Nothing in the universe is contingent, but all things are conditioned to exist and operate in a particular manner by the necessity of the divine nature.

Prop. XXX. Intellect, in function finite, or in function infinite, must comprehend the attributes of God and the modifications of God, and nothing else.

Prop. XXXI. The intellect in function, whether finite or infinite, as will, desire, love, etc., should be referred to passive nature, and not to active nature.

Prop. XXXII. Will cannot be called a free cause, but only a necessary cause.

Prop. XXXIII. Things could not have been brought into being by God in any manner or in any order different from that which has in fact obtained.
命題33. 除非從中可以獲得一些東西,神不會隨便讓事物存在。

Prop. XXXIV. God's power is identical with his essence.
命題34. 神以祂的質作為祂力量的標記。

Prop. XXXV. Whatsoever we conceive to be in the power of God, necessarily exists.
命題35. 我們設想存在於神力量中的東西,都是必要的存在。

Prop. XXXVI. There is no cause from whose nature some effect does not follow.
命題36. 沒有一個不影響人本性的「因」。


*substance:在這裏所指的個體,不包含外在存在的體,而是「全包括」的一種個人內在的存在。 attribute屬性(傾向)nature(先天內在環境)
*modifications:有人把它翻譯成「分殊」,是哲學學術用語?(理一分殊 )但以我理解,它是一種本質發展,變化,破壞,超脫,的一種無定向形態轉變的過程。暫且, 我稱它作「變貌」。




  1. By that which is self-caused, I mean that of which the essence involves existence, or that of which the nature is only conceivable as existent.
    「因」,我意識形成的因素我所指的是涉及存在的那一種,或者其性質只能以構想形式存在。( self-caused— 自我意識形成,個體由於「因」的影響產生變化,於個體的內在進行,亦即是變貌的運動。這裏用的是被動詞,這動作又於個體的內在進行,暗示個體內在的變化是被動的,而個體的內在因為「因」而改變。)

  1. A thing is called finite after its kind, when it can be limited by another thing of the same nature; for instance, a body is called finite because we always conceive another greater body. So, also, a thought is limited by another thought, but a body is not limited by thought, nor a thought by body.
  1. By substance, I mean that which is in itself, and is conceived through itself; in other words, that of which a conception can be formed independently of any other conception.

  1. By attribute, I mean that which the intellect perceives as constituting the essence of substance.
    屬性,我的意思是智能感知的傾向,而這傾向影響個體內在的變貌(感知的深度影響到構成個體內在質的純度。) (感知,一面私人的透鏡。)(質是個人和世界一起共同所產生的東西。)

  1. By mode, I mean the modifications ["Affectiones"] of substance, or that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself.

    1. By God, I mean a being absolutely infinite--that is, a substance consisting in infinite attributes, of which each expresses eternal and infinite essentiality.
      ,我的意思是一種絕對無限的存在 - 即一個有著無限屬性的個體這個體裏所有東西都表現出永恆和無限的質。
Explanation.--I say absolutely infinite, not infinite after its kind: for, of a thing infinite only after its kind, infinite attributes may be denied; but that which is absolutely infinite, contains in its essence whatever expresses reality, and involves no negation.
解釋 - 我說的是絕對無限,除了無限,沒有其他:因為,除了無限,還有其他,無限的屬性或許便不能成立了;但絕對無限,無論在現實裏表現得如何,內裏還是含有其本質,並且否定-----------------

    1. That thing is called free, which exists solely by the necessity of its own nature, and of which the action is determined by itself alone. On the other hand, that thing is necessary, or rather constrained, which is determined by something external to itself to a fixed and definite method of existence or action.

    1. By eternity, I mean existence itself, in so far as it is conceived necessarily to follow solely from the definition of that which is eternal.
Explanation.--Existence of this kind is conceived as an eternal truth, like the essence of a thing, and, therefore, cannot be explained by means of continuance or time, though continuance may be conceived without a beginning or end.
解釋 – 這種存在被認為是一個永恆的真理,就像一個事物的本質一樣,因此不能用連續性或時間來解釋,儘管連續性可能沒有開始或結束。


I. Everything which exists, exists either in itself or in something else.
II. That which cannot be conceived through anything else must be conceived through itself.
III. From a given definite cause an effect necessarily follows; and, on the other hand, if no definite cause be granted, it is impossible that an effect can follow.
IV. The knowledge of an effect depends on and involves the knowledge of a cause.
V. Things which have nothing in common cannot be understood, the one by means of the other; the conception of one does not involve the conception of the other.
VI. A true idea must correspond with its ideate or object.
一個正確的觀念必須與其理念或目標一致 。
VII. If a thing can be conceived as non-existing, its essence does not involve existence.


PROP. I. Substance is by nature prior to its modifications.
命題1. 個體自然本性的形成,先於它「變貌」的形成。
Proof.--This is clear from Def. iii. and v.

PROP. II. Two substances whose attributes are different have nothing in common.
命題2. 两個不同屬性的個體,它們沒有共通點。
Proof.--Also evident from Def. iii. For each must exist in itself, and be conceived through itself; in other words, the conception of one does not imply the conception of the other.

PROP. III. Things which have nothing in common cannot be one the cause of the other.
命題3. 沒有共通點的東西不來自同一個「因」。
Proof.--If they have nothing in common, it follows that one cannot be apprehended by means of the other (Ax. v.), and, therefore, one cannot be the cause of the other (Ax. iv.). Q.E.D.
證明:如果個體們沒有共通點,個體只跟隨各自的理念(公理5.[ 沒有共通點的個體不能夠彼此了解,換另一句話來說,沒有共通點的個體就是一個互相不涉及彼此概念的概念。]),因此,一個個體的「因」不能成為其他個體的「因」。(公理4.[ 要認識結果,必須要認識「因」。])

PROP. IV. Two or more distinct things are distinguished one from the other either by the difference of the attributes of the substances, or by the difference of their modifications.
Proof.--Everything which exists, exists either in itself or in something else (Ax. i.),--that is (by Def. iii. and v.), nothing is granted in addition to the understanding, except substance and its modifications. Nothing is, therefore, given besides the understanding, by which several things may be distinguished one from the other, except the substances, or, in other words (see Ax. iv.), their attributes and modifications. Q.E.D.
證明:每一個存在的個體,存在於它們的內在或其他個體的內在意識層面(公理1.[ 存在的的東西,存在於它們之內或存在於他物之內。]),所以(根據定義3.5.[定義3.個體,我的意思是存在於個人內在的東西,它通過自身來擴展;換言之,任何概念都可以獨立於另一個概念而形成。][定義5.模式,我指的是本質的變貌—「情感」,或者是存在於內在的,通過想像構成,超越它自己本身的東西。])個體並沒有被賦予互相了解的能力,只有構成個體外在的物質和形成內在本質的能力。如果個體被賦予互相了解的能力而沒有其他,除卻個體,屬性和分殊外,也許還可以依靠其他東西來辨別它們。 (公理4.[ 要認識結果,必須要認識「因」。])
( 即個體之間能夠互相了解,必須要是來自同一個「因」。因此我們個體與個體之間只有誤解,因為內在世界與外在世界共同形成本質的鏡,必定會把所有外在的「像」扭曲。相對於個體而言,在認知裏其他個體的存在,會根據形成本質的鏡所投射出來的「像」來呈現。個體存在於其他個體的內在意識,僅限於一個被曲解了的「像」,甚至是殘缺的。若有真正的互相了解,那只會發生在人工智能之上,多個人工智能共用同一系統和程式,即同一個「因」。)(我想,在某層面上,個體為同一個「因」而存在的。可是由於外在世界各種感知對意識的影響,個體漸漸離開那同一個「因」的層面。如果人工智能能夠自我成長,它們也可能會脫離同一個系統的互通束縛,擁有只屬於自己的祕密和私隱,不容許同伴得知的數據資料。)


The Shape of Water 寂寞女人的幻想

我想,每個人的心裏都有一個不存在的理想情人。一些男人希望得到一個像機械人似的女朋友,只執行自己的指令,不但身體,心靈,腦袋都在受控的狀態。一些女人希望得到一個男朋友,她們可以像母親一樣的照顧他,改變他成為只屬於自己的「乖孩子」。都是不可能存在於真實世界的人。男人和女人知道對方的幻想又覺得對方異想天開。但是幻想這種事,所存在的空間不能讓它們生動動的通往二維世界或三維世界,不會對人產生傷害,那麼再異想天開,大家都無話可說。The Shape of Water 的故事是關於女主角Elisa Esposito 理想情人的幻想。她的異想天開。
在世影裏,來來回回走來走去不同種類的寂寞人。女主角 Elisa Esposito天生是一個啞的,但能夠聽,生活上只有少許的朋友,獨居,在一間科研機構裏做清潔工人,過著平凡沉悶的生活。她親愛的鄰居兼朋友,是一個在事業和愛情上都失意的同性戀男性,活在視同性戀和黑人為怪胎和不受歡迎人物的年代。 Elisa Esposito 的最好朋友兼同事,一個說話多多,十分有趣的黑人女人。那位在科研機構裏工作的俄羅斯科學博士,像特工的存在,因為要努力保住自己的性命,不相信任何人,而任何人也不相信他。還有在科研機構裏的躁狂上校,極力往工作階上攀爬,要得到更多更多的權力,也害怕失去權力。當然的,最後是那男性的人魚,世界上的唯一的存在。
女主角 Elisa Esposito 沒有美麗的外貌,沒有誘人的身材,是啞的,是個孤兒,沒有社會地位,而且也不富有。所有條件,客觀來說都無法吸引一個理想的男人。然而,她有健全的愛的欲望,她仍憧景著理想的戀情。
男人魚的角色設定,他是古老神明似的生物,强大,好奇,但無知,獸性,孤獨。我不懂得這是不是與未受教育的男人相似,而且這設定是由甚麼人的角度製作,但是這樣的設定確實是容易被改造的類型。開始的時候,或許男人魚並不乎合 Elisa Esposito 理想情人的樣子,可是 Elisa Esposito 從男人魚的身上看到可以成為自己理想情人的潛質。她努力親近孤獨的男人魚,成為對方的唯一。她拯了他的生命,讓她在他心目中唯一的位置拱固。她教導他如何愛她,誘使他一起做愛,讓他需要她,依頼她。她是他的唯一。他也是她的唯一。她終於把男人魚改造成「只愛她一人」的完美情人。
這電影對理想愛情的幻想,比較傾向於暗地裏諷刺的。 Elisa Esposito 與男人魚即將分開了,他們一起吃最後的晚餐。 Elisa Esposito 想表達自己對男人魚的愛的程度,非常想說話,自己一個人淘醉在幻想的悲傷裏,在幻想裏製作小劇場,二人一起在眾人的祝福中共舞。整個幻想跟現實的氣氛越走越遠,到了可笑滑稽的地步。她在幻想中一起共舞的男人魚,其實一直仍像獸一樣的吃著盤中的雞蛋。


早前看到了關於「小馬雲」的報道,想著還有多少像「小馬雲」的人。 對於網絡經濟並不了解得太深。明白網絡是一種媒介,能夠作為商業宣傳的媒介體,可以作雜誌模式的廣告宣傳的經營,其他的經濟效益卻虛空得令人生疑。有人成功憑著網絡媒介而致富,甚至是暴富,然後越來越多人試圖在網絡經濟體裏賺取金...